Chatbot Email Automation: How can chatbots improve your email strategy?

Chatbots Improve Your Email Strategy.

A solid email strategy is undoubtedly one of the most important ways for businesses to market their products and services, engage with customers, and build strong relationships.

However, it can be challenging to commit to the work that’s necessary to sustain an effective email strategy. Every competitor is likely to be working hard on their own strategies, so you need to find ways to differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd. For many businesses, the solution to this challenge is to hire dedicated email marketing employees. This can work, but it’s an expensive solution to the problem. As a result, many organizations look to use technology to help.

Most organizations now use specialized emailing services, such as MailChimp and other similar platforms, to simplify their email marketing. Again, this can be effective, but when everyone is doing it then it’s still a challenge to differentiate and make an impact, so businesses are increasingly looking to other forms of technology to help.

One example of such technology is chatbots. In this article, we look at how chatbots, and specifically AI chatbots, can be deployed to automate and personalize emails.

What are chatbots for email?

Chatbots for emailing are essentially very similar to any other chatbots but designed to enhance email strategies specifically. Their applications in relation to emailing can range from data capture to directly composing emails, and much more.

The integration of AI technology further improves the functionality of chatbots, helping them to become more specialized, require less input from employees, and work in a wider variety of useful applications.

Used in the right way, AI chatbots can save any business time and money while simultaneously improving the effectiveness of email campaigns and increasing conversion rates.

How can chatbots improve your email strategy?

Automate email capture

One of the most simple yet effective uses of chatbots in relation to email marketing is to assist with email and data capture. For example, whenever a customer or potential customer is conversing with a chatbot, the chatbot can automatically request email addresses in a non-intrusive and helpful manner.

A large database of email addresses is the foundation of any effective email strategy but is often the most difficult element of the process, so this automation of email capture can be invaluable to any business.

Optimize email segmentation

Segmentation and personalization are crucial concepts in any modern and effective email strategy. Most consumers are inundated with promotional emails every day, so the more accurately you can personalize your emails, the more interesting they will be to people and the higher your conversion rates are likely to be.

However, personalization is difficult when all you know about someone is their email address. AI chatbots can automatically capture useful customer data, such as demographic information and consumer preferences while conversing with them via an instant messaging chat. As with chatbot-led email capture, this can be done in a non-intrusive, natural way. Additionally, chat-sourced data can be used to determine lead strength prior to emailing.

These and other examples of customer data can then be used to automatically segment your email list, improving customer engagement and helping your emails make a greater impact.

Chatbots For Email Automation.
                                                                Chatbots For Email Automation.

Warm-up leads prior to emailing

The more you can build a relationship with your existing and potential customers prior to emailing, the better. Chatbots can help to do this through natural conversation. For example, if a user visits your website and asks a question to your virtual assistant (chatbot), the chatbot could automatically offer further information, introduce offers and promotions, and so on.

Introducing brand familiarity in this way can help to ‘warm up’ leads prior to emailing, improving the chances of engagement and conversion.

Reduce employee workloads

A common theme across all of the previous points has been automation. This automation is arguably the most important benefit that chatbots can have on your email strategy. Every task that chatbots can automate, from email capture to segmentation, is one less task that your employees need to do themselves.

By reducing workloads, AI chatbots can save your business money and free up valuable resources to be allocated to other areas of the business.

Reach a wider audience

With the global customer bases that are now commonplace across all industries, interacting with diverse audiences can be challenging. Unfortunately, if you don’t make the effort to engage properly with different types of customers, your customer relationships can fail and you risk losing customers.

AI chatbots can help you overcome the challenge of engaging with a global customer base, and one way is by offering multi-language support. For example, if a customer is conversing with your business in their native language, the AI chatbot can automatically detect this and seamlessly switch to that language. This functionality can work in instant messaging chats, but can also be extended to help you automatically compose emails and respond to queries in foreign languages automatically.

How can Skil.AI help you upgrade your email strategy?

Skil.AI chatbots are built using advanced AI and machine learning technology to provide a range of automation benefits across multiple areas of business, including email marketing.

By automating and personalizing key elements of your email strategy, our chatbots can help you to build a bigger email list, improve customer relationships, and improve conversion rates.

Speak to our team today to learn more about how AI chatbots could revolutionize your email strategy, integrate with your existing systems, and reduce workloads for your staff.

                                                        Learn more about chatbots and email marketing

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